The Doctors

Dana’s music career was about to take off and she supposed to make her first record with Idina Menzel when she woke up with a crushing headache. She saw a tick bite and was put on three weeks of antibiotics to combat Lyme disease. She shares three months later she felt like "all hell broke loose" in her body. She went to internist Dr. Steven Phillips who she credits with saving her life.

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Anne Rucker
The New York Times

The book makes the case that the spread of what the authors call Lyme+, an array of tick-borne pathogens that often infect patients simultaneously, is responsible not just for the more than 400,000 cases of Lyme disease diagnosed each year in the United States but also for an unknown number of chronic infections beyond that — undiagnosed or misdiagnosed and left untreated because of a combination of testing failures, institutional bias and the horrible complexity of the diseases themselves.

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The Doctor's Farmacy Podcast

Dr. Phillips and Dana Parish share their incredible stories of overcoming chronic stealth infections after numerous doctors couldn’t help them. Lyme was a common factor for both of them, while Dr. Phillips was also able to diagnose Bartonella in Dana. At their worst, they both had extremely limited mobility and felt their lives were at risk.

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PodcastsAnne Rucker
The Empowering Neurologist

It has been estimated that some 50 million Americans have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. As such, we have become all too familiar with things like rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and multiple sclerosis, to name a few.

On our program today we are going to speak with the authors of a new book entitled Chronic: The Hidden Cause of the Autoimmune Pandemic and How to Get Healthy Again by Dr. Steven Phillips and Dana Parish.

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VideoSteven Phillips, MD
New York Post

Dr. Phillips was a renowned physician when he himself became a patient — with a mystery illness that no one seemed able to diagnose. The same happened to Dana Parish. “Chronic” is a look at the pandemic of chronic conditions caused by common infections. A fascinating look at an area of health that is often misunderstood.

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DrBeen Interview

In this exclusive DRBEEN MEDICAL Interview, Dr. Phillips tells his own personal story of chronic illness due to chronic infection. It's a riveting and triumphant account of climbing out from overwhelming disability and near-death, back to good health and a full life. It's a rare glimpse from the perspectives of both doctor and patient in one.

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Revolution Health Radio Podcast

In this episode, Chris Kresser, Steven Phillips, MD & Dana Parish discuss:

The frustrations of common Lyme disease diagnoses and treatments + Comparing chronic infections to the COVID-19 pandemic + The vested interests of conventional medicine + Chronic illnesses; how we got here + Advice: power through the hard times to reach the root cause of your illness

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Steven Phillips, MD

The co-authors–a prominent Lyme doctor and a singer/songwriter/advocate who used to be his patient–are well known in the Lyme community. So, it’s initially curious that the book title doesn’t mention the words “Lyme disease.”

But that’s explained early on. In their text, Phillips and Parish use the term “Lyme plus” for the dizzying constellation of microbes that can result in a wide variety of persistent symptoms and autoimmune conditions. Lyme disease (by itself) may be only one part of the complex picture.

Chronic is divided into two main sections. The first part, “The Root,” debunks commonly held myths about Lyme+ and shows how mainstream medicine has so often gotten its facts wrong.

The second part, “The Remedy,” offers practical advice on how to get properly diagnosed and looks at an assortment of treatments that may be useful.

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Steven Phillips, MD